About Us

logotipo gota


LIS-Water, Lisbon International Center for Water, is an international non-profit center that aims at better water governance.

Dedicated to public policies, regulation and management of water services (water supply and management of waste and rainwater), within the framework of sustainable development objectives.

It focuses on the development of knowledge and innovation, namely through reflection initiatives, and its transfer to policy makers, water professionals, industry and startups and society in general.

It is made up of the main stakeholders of the water sector in Portugal. It also promotes an ecosystem where Governments, entities and professionals from the sector, support agencies, knowledge and education organizations, industry and startups, and society join efforts to improve water governance.

In its constitution, it had the support of more than 125 national, foreign and international entities of various types.

Better water governance for a better world.

Our mission

Contribute to improving public policies, regulation and management of water services. It aims to respond to the main international guidelines, contributing to more effective, efficient and resilient services, for the benefit of society.

Our vision

Contribute to a better world through better water governance, within the framework of sustainable development goals..

Our values

Knowledge: commitment to the search for the best knowledge and its effective implementation in water services for the benefit of society.

Multidisciplinarity: commitment to a holistic approach that integrates the various dimensions of water, incorporating and articulating a great diversity of disciplines, knowledge and experiences .

Excellence: commitment to a culture of rigor, ensuring high standards of quality and knowledge updating, permanently reconciling scientific knowledge with application practice.

Sharing: commitment to sharing this knowledge with governments, organizations, professionals, industry and society, seeking synergies between the parties involved in the sector of water and respecting their interests.

Complementarity: commitment to the concern of complementarity and non-overlap with other actors in the sector, namely associations and companies, occupying a space that It is currently deficient and needs attention.

Ethics: commitment to profound ethical behavior, including integrity, dignity, justice, impartiality and credibility, believing that the collective benefit is the main contributor to the individual benefit.

Our brand

The symbol - The construction of the icon starts from the representation of the water element, the focus of LIS-Water's activity, in the form of a highlighted central drop. The icon results from the combination of five drops representing LIS-Water's five areas of activity. The final graphic composition forms a stylized butterfly that represents the brand's concepts: change, renewal, excellence and independence.

The designation - LIS-Water, Lisbon International Center for Water refers to the role of LIS-Water as an international center dedicated to water, highlighting its origin, Lisbon, capital of Portugal. Portugal's experience in reforming the water sector inspired the creation of the center.

The lettering - The logo consists of a rounded, delicate font with differentiating details, alluding to water and its movement.

The colors - The blue and green colors of the icon represent supply water and wastewater and rainwater. The chromatic palette of LIS-Water's visual universe is made up of a spectrum of colors that varies between cold tones and warm tones. Through color, an association is made with nature where the chromatic gradient references the colors of a natural landscape. Cool colors represent the water element and warm colors represent the earth element.

We contribute to a better world through better governance from water.

Mensagem de boas-vindas

A visão da Associação LIS-Water – Lisbon International Centre for Water é contribuir para um mundo melhor através de uma melhor governança da água. Promove assim serviços de abastecimento de água e de gestão de águas residuais e pluviais mais eficazes, eficientes e resilientes, no quadro dos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável.

Estes serviços de águas são essenciais para o bem-estar dos cidadãos e para as atividades económicas, com um claro impacto na melhoria da saúde pública, da sustentabilidade ambiental e da mitigação de riscos, nomeadamente decorrentes de alterações climáticas. Geram benefícios em termos de criação de emprego, de crescimento económico, de incremento da estabilidade social e de redução de conflitos, contribuindo para uma sociedade mais desenvolvida, pacífica, equitativa e saudável.

A missão da LIS-Water é assim reforçar as políticas públicas, a regulação e a gestão dos serviços de águas para benefício da sociedade, integrando o melhor conhecimento em gestão, economia, engenharia, direito, ciências sociais, comunicação e noutras áreas relevantes.

Em conjunto com os seus parceiros, a associação pretende disponibilizar e produzir o melhor e mais atualizado conhecimento a nível internacional e transferi-lo continuamente para decisores, profissionais da água, indústria e sociedade.

Daremos assim o nosso contributo para que se atinjam os grandes desígnios da Humanidade relativos a uma melhor governança da água, por um mundo melhor.

O Conselho de Administração

Rita Brito

Presidente do Conselho de Administração

Eduardo Marques

Vogal do Conselho de Administração

José Matos

Vogal do Conselho de Administração

Cuidamos dos serviços de águas, essenciais ao bem-estar da sociedade.

Welcome Message

The vision of Associação LIS-Water – Lisbon International Center for Water is to contribute to a better world through better water governance. It thus promotes more effective, efficient and resilient water supply and wastewater and rainwater management services, within the framework of sustainable development objectives.

These water services are essential for the well-being of citizens and for economic activities, with a clear impact on improving public health, environmental sustainability and mitigating risks, namely arising from climate change.. They generate benefits in terms of job creation, economic growth, increased social stability and reduced conflicts, contributing to a more developed, peaceful, equitable and healthy society.

LIS-Water’s mission is thus to reinforce public policies, regulation and management of water services for the benefit of society, integrating the best knowledge in management, economics, engineering, law, social sciences, communication and other relevant areas.

Together with its partners, the association intends to make available and produce the best and most up-to-date knowledge at an international level and to transfer it continuously to decision-makers, water professionals, industry and society.

In this way, we will make our contribution towards achieving the great goals of humanity regarding better water governance, for a better world.

The Board of Directors

Rita Brito

President of the Board of Directors

Eduardo Marques

Member of the Board of Directors

José Matos

Member of the Board of Directors

We take care of water services, essential to the well-being of society.

The members of LIS-Water represent the main players in the water sector in Portugal.

National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC)

Public institution for research and scientific and technological development in Portugal, one of the largest civil engineering laboratories in the world.

Foundation for Studies and Training in Local Authorities (FEFAL)

Non-profit entity, formed by the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, to carry out information, training, research, technical advice, international cooperation on relevant topics for Local Authorities.

Associação das Empresas Portuguesas para o Sector do Ambiente (AEPSA)

Business association that represents and defends the collective interests of private companies that intervene in the environmental sector, acting as a dynamic player in the development of the market in the environmental sector.

Portuguese Partnership for Water (PPA)

Network of entities that aims to develop synergies and maximize potential for the development of the water sector in the world, promoting alliances and partnerships between national institutions and nations committed to the sustainable use of water and the enhancement of water resources.

Grupo Águas de Portugal (AdP)

The AdP Group is responsible for the integrated management of the urban water cycle, providing services to Municipalities, which are simultaneously shareholders of the companies managing multi-municipal systems, and directly serving the population through municipal water supply and sanitation systems.

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