About Us
A success story
In the last three decades Portugal has implemented an integrated and consistent public policy in the water sector, with a very positive impact on society, the economy, public health and the environment. The creation of an effective regulatory framework and the improvement in the management of entities providing water services also contributed to these results. The knowledge and experience gained from this success story make it possible to share this learning with other countries. LIS-Water’s experience builds on that experience.
The particular characteristics of the country, with geographic, orographic, hydrological and social diversity (mainland and islands), diversity of governance models (state, municipal and private) and diversity of adopted technologies, make it an even more interesting case, with many successes and some mistakes, from which important lessons can be learned.
A story of cooperation
Portugal has historically a culture of openness to the world, facilitating the connection with many nations on all continents, regardless of their cultures and beliefs. It has also demonstrated a strong capacity to establish international connections and implementation, some examples of which are given.
9th IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition
Portugal hosted the 9th International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress and Exhibition in 2014, with around 5,500 participants from 100 countries, one of the biggest events ever in the sector.
1º IWA International Water Regulators Forum
Portugal, through ERSAR, co-organized the first International Water Regulators Forum of the International Water Association (IWA), which brought together 250 regulators from 100 regulatory authorities around the world.
IWA Lisbon Charter
Portugal, through ERSAR, proposed and led the preparation of the Lisbon Charter of the International Water Association, to guide public policies and the regulation of water services worldwide, approved in 2015, which was an important inspirational factor for the concept of the LIS-Water.
OECD Principles on Water Governance
Portugal was very involved in the development of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) twelve principles of water governance, supporting governments in the design and implementation of water policies in an effective, efficient and inclusive way.
A country of culture and modernity
Portugal combines special characteristics such as culture, tradition, leadership, security and language. Portugal is the heart of Lusophony, with more than 260 million people worldwide who speak Portuguese, the 5th most spoken language in the world. It is among the 10 countries in the world with the best science education, according to a recent OECD study. The Portuguese National Health Service is considered the 12th best in the world, according to the World Health Organization. It ranks as the 3rd most peaceful country in the world, maintaining a stable unitary semi-presidential republican form of government (The Global Peace Index, by the Institute for Economics and Peace, 2017).