LIS-Water Association
Lisbon International Centre for Water
NIPC: 515905623
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©2022 LIS-Water Lisbon International Centre for Water | Rights reserved
Welcome Message
The vision of Associação LIS-Water – Lisbon International Center for Water is to contribute to a better world through better water governance. It thus promotes more effective, efficient and resilient water supply and wastewater and rainwater management services, within the framework of sustainable development objectives.
These water services are essential for the well-being of citizens and for economic activities, with a clear impact on improving public health, environmental sustainability and mitigating risks, namely arising from climate change.. They generate benefits in terms of job creation, economic growth, increased social stability and reduced conflicts, contributing to a more developed, peaceful, equitable and healthy society.
LIS-Water’s mission is thus to reinforce public policies, regulation and management of water services for the benefit of society, integrating the best knowledge in management, economics, engineering, law, social sciences, communication and other relevant areas.
Together with its partners, the association intends to make available and produce the best and most up-to-date knowledge at an international level and to transfer it continuously to decision-makers, water professionals, industry and society.
In this way, we will make our contribution towards achieving the great goals of humanity regarding better water governance, for a better world.
The Board of Directors

Rita Brito
President of the Board of Directors

Eduardo Marques
Member of the Board of Directors

José Matos
Member of the Board of Directors
We take care of water services, essential to the well-being of society.
Jaime Baptista
LIS-Water - Lisbon International Centre for Water
Rita Amaral
LIS-Water - Lisbon International Centre for Water
Luís Simas
ERSAR - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos
João Simão Pires
PPA - Parceria Portuguesa para a Água
Helena Alegre
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Rafaela Matos
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Jaime Baptista
LIS-Water - Lisbon International Centre for Water
Rita Amaral
LIS-Water - Lisbon International Centre for Water
Luís Simas
ERSAR - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos
João Simão Pires
PPA - Parceria Portuguesa para a Água
Helena Alegre
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Rafaela Matos
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil

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Águas de Portugal
ADENE - Agência para a Energia
ERSAR - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos
Chimp, Comunicação Especializada Unipessoal, Lda.
INOVA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento Económico e Social de Cantanhede
ENGIDRO Engineering Solutions
S317 Consulting
ERSARA - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águias e Resíduos
Global Institute for Water Security
CTGA - Centro Tecnológico de Gestão Ambiental, Lda
COBA - Consultores de Engenharia e Ambiente, SA
APDA - Associação Portuguesa de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas
AQUASIS - Sistemas de Informação, S.A.
IGAMAOT - Inspeção-Geral da Agricultura, do Mar, do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Território
VEOLIA Portugal, S.A.
ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
DouroECI - Engenharia, Consultoria e Inovação, Lda
TPF - Consultores de Engenharia e Arquitetura, S.A.
Hidromod, Modelação em Engenharia, Lda.
Indaqua - Indústria e Gestão de Águas, S.A.
Janz - Contagem e Gestão de Fluídos S.A
CAP - Confederação dos Agricultores de Portugal
Xylem - Water Solutions Portugal Lda
Cuidar da Casa Comum
GreenTech Challenge
CESO Development Consultants
APEMETA - Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Tecnologias Ambientais
APPC - Associação Portuguesa de Projectistas e Consultores
FCB Advogados
FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Univerdidade do Porto
ITA - Universitat Politècnica de València
Lisboa E-Nova - Lisbon's Energy and Environmental Agency
Gotas Digitais, Lda - SCUBIC
Miranda & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, RL
CMMartinho Consulting, Unipessoal Lda
FENAREG - Federação Nacional de Regantes de Portugal
IPL - Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
AQUAPOR - Serviços, S.A.
NOLASCO & Assoc. Inc.
PROCESL - Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, SA
NEMUS - Gestão e Requalificação Ambiental, Lda.
WWP - World Water Policy
Freguesia de Trute
Ordem dos Engenheiros
Resíduos do Nordeste, EIM S.A.
UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
ATR - Agência Tocantinense de Regulação, Controle e Fiscalização de Serviços Públicos
Tecnilab Portugal, S.A.
Câmara Municipal de Óbidos
CESAM - Centre of Environmental and Marine Studies
Sérvulo & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL
CIMBSE - Comunidade Intermunicipal das Beiras e Serra da Estrela
Cátedra CIPSH e UNESCO de Estudos Globais
Sharevalue, Lda.
UGC - União Geral de Consumidores
NAVIA - Business and Operations Intelligence
WSCM – Water Services Consulting and Management, Lda
AQVAMORE - Portugal Ventures
Better2Earth, Lda
Clean Water Wave
EAS Projetos
ANA - Agencia Nacional de Aguas e Saneamento Basico
Our Future Water
RCUWM - Regional Centre on Urban Water Management
APESB - Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental
LPN - Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
ABAR - Associação Brasileira de Agências de Regulação
DECO - Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor
ISA - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - Universidade de Lisboa
Agência Reguladora dos Serviços de Saneamento das Bacias dos Rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí
APRH - Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos
APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
Associação Aquashare
ADERASA - Asociación de Entes Reguladores de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de las Américas
AGS - Administração e Gestão de Sistemas de Salubridade, S.A.
RPG Consult
Universidade da Beira Interior
ÁguaSistemas, Lda.
Africa Forum for Utility Regulators
Luís Simas
ERSAR - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos
João Simão Pires
PPA - Parceria Portuguesa para a Água
Helena Alegre
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Rafaela Matos
LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
The members of LIS-Water represent the main players in the water sector in Portugal.

National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC)
Public institution for research and scientific and technological development in Portugal, one of the largest civil engineering laboratories in the world.

Foundation for Studies and Training in Local Authorities (FEFAL)
Non-profit entity, formed by the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, to carry out information, training, research, technical advice, international cooperation on relevant topics for Local Authorities.

Associação das Empresas Portuguesas para o Sector do Ambiente (AEPSA)
Business association that represents and defends the collective interests of private companies that intervene in the environmental sector, acting as a dynamic player in the development of the market in the environmental sector.

Portuguese Partnership for Water (PPA)
Network of entities that aims to develop synergies and maximize potential for the development of the water sector in the world, promoting alliances and partnerships between national institutions and nations committed to the sustainable use of water and the enhancement of water resources.

Grupo Águas de Portugal (AdP)
The AdP Group is responsible for the integrated management of the urban water cycle, providing services to Municipalities, which are simultaneously shareholders of the companies managing multi-municipal systems, and directly serving the population through municipal water supply and sanitation systems.